What is Spirituality at St John's?
The Church of England's Vision for Education states a core desire that children will experience life in all its fullness (John 10:10). At St John's, we believe that we need to give all our children the chance to allow them grow into the people God is calling them to be.
Spiritual development is concerned with developing the non-material aspects of life, focusing on personal insight, values, meaning and purpose. It is about awe and wonder, asking questions, self reflection, inspiration and being aware of 'something greater' than ourselves. Beliefs that help provide perspective on life.
The language we use to define Spirituality is not child-friendly, so when talking to our children bout it, we use Liz Mill's work 'Windows, Doors and Mirrors'. These symbols are used to support the pupils' spiritual development.
Windows - Beauty - looking out into the world.
For looking out into the world and becoming aware of its wonders, both the 'wows; and the 'ows; things that are 'awe-full' and make us wonder and be grateful and things that are 'awful' and make us wonder and ask questions. Developing children's capacity to the value the nature world and the commitment to care for creation.
Mirrors - Self - Looking into a Mirror
For looking into and reflecting, along and together, to see things more clearly, for thinking and asking important question, learning from our own and each other's responses. Developing children's understanding of, and making sense of, their own feelings and emotions around certain events.
Doors - Opening the door to welcome people
Opening the door to welcome people; their feelings and beliefs. Developing an awareness of, and respect for, others people's beliefs and faiths as well as understanding the value of difference and diversity through involvement of others. Developing empathy amongst our children and a desire to respond to what they have learnt whether that be by taking action or simply changing their behaviour.
Candle - Beyond
Like watching a flame and thinking. Thinking about and reflecting on our experiences and learning. Children have the opportunity to reflect in every Collective Worship session and within our PSHE sessions.
More information can be found in our SMSC policy under the sub-heading Spirituality.