Relationships, Sex and Health Education
What is changing?
From September 2020, a new Relationships, Sex Education and Health Education curriculum became statutory for schools. Originally all schools had to implement it by this date but due to the pandemic, schools were allowed to delay the implementation until 2021. At St John's, we have always chosen to teach Personal, Social and Health Education but it is now a statutory part of the curriculum
Our RSE policy
As part of the process of implementation, we must share our policy with our parent body. The PSHE policy incorporating RSE can be found below.
When will my child be taught different aspects?
As a school we have the freedom to arrange the teaching of different aspects of the curriculum. We have therefore set out how we are intending to cover all the different aspects over the time your child is in school. Some aspects the children will learn about only in one Key stage while others they will touch upon through out their time with us, developing their understanding further each time they learn about it. This is similar to other subject areas. As with other areas, where there is an obvious and appropriate link to the wider curriculum theme, we have made this link. Where there is no obvious link, the subject will be taught as a stand along subject.
The RSE curriculum maps can be found here:
Where can I find more details?
Details of what schools are now required to teach can be found here in the government guidance on the subject.
There are also many parent websites where more information can be found. A good one is: