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St. John’s C of E Primary School

Learning, Loving and Laughing Together!

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Extracurricular Clubs

At St John's Primary school, we offer a range of extra curricular/enrichment clubs. All clubs are advertised in the school newsletter a couple of weeks before the start date. Parents can sign their child up for a club via Arbor. If a club is oversubscribed, names will be drawn randomly with a waiting list kept for those who are unsuccessful. If the club runs for a second term, the children previously on the waiting list will be given priority for places. There are two types of enrichment clubs.


Staff run clubs

Staff run clubs of their choice which generally means they will run something which is of interest to them. These run termly for a period of up to 7 weeks in length. They either run at lunchtime or immediately after school until 4pm for Key stage 1 and 4.15pm for Key Stage 2. If children are successful in gaining a place at a club, they are expected to commit to that club and attend regularly. They are also expected to adhere to the school behaviour agreement. Failure to do so can result in a child being asked to leave a club. Unless there is a cost to the school, these clubs are generally free of charge. 


Clubs run by an external company

The clubs that are run by external companies generally run full time e.g. every week of the school term. If a child wishes to attend, a place must be booked directly with the provider and paid for before the child begins to attend. Contact details for these clubs can be obtained from the school office. 
