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St. John’s C of E Primary School

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Religious Education

“Differences were not meant to divide but to enrich.” 

- J.H. Oldham  

RE lessons are taught using the Hampshire ‘Cycle of Enquiry’.  Each unit has an enquiry style question and a key concept which links all the learning together.  Each area of the cycle (communicate, apply, inquire, contextualise and evaluate) develops the children’s thinking around the concept and builds upon on their own experiences. Lessons are blocked to give the children opportunity to fully immerse in their learning and to allow time to fully explore the concept.  


We aim for our children to make a positive impact on the world and have broad and balanced views with an understanding of how to celebrate our differences.  

Religious Education at St John’s is focused on developing children's spirituality and religious understanding. The children learn about the religions of the world with a focus on Christianity and an exploration of Hindu, Jewish and Muslim traditions. We use the Hampshire agreed syllabus, Living Difference IV, with support from Understanding Christianity to form the basis of the children’s learning.  


Below is the yearly overview showing what will be taught each term in each phase. 
