Curriculum Websites
BBC Bitsize Fun activities to help the children learn more in a range of curriculum areas
Purple Mash Used to deliver the computing curriculum across the school. All children have access (email us for a reminder of username and password) to a range of software, from simple paint programmes to coding.
Audio Stories Choose age-appropriate stories from the selection
Pobble 365 A new picture every day to inspire writing with prompts to help
Phonics Play A website to help children practise their phonics at home. There is a free section with many resources alongside a paid subscription.
Spelling Shed App only available for Apple devices. Contains all spelling word lists for each key stage and custom lists (E.g. Spelling lists from school) can be added. (£2.99 – one off cost)
Hit The Button Quick fire practise of doubling, halving , times tables and other useful facts
Mathletics Age appropriate Maths work based on the National Curriculum objectives. All children have access to this (email us your a reminder of user name and password) and we award weekly certificates for participation.
Numbots Games to practise number bonds. Search for numbots and enter the school postcode RG21 3JU
Times Tables Rockstars Quick recall of times tables facts. All of Key Stage 2 have a login. There is also an app available on all app stores. When logging in the easiest way to find our school is to search by the postcode RG21 3JU.