Governors Role
We have the following Statutory Responsibilities
- Working with the Headteacher, to offer a strategic view of the work of our School
- To support and challenge the Headteacher
- To hold our School to account for the standards and quality of education it provides and achieves.
- To monitor, evaluate and review the school’s activities and outcomes
Why do we support and challenge?
- We have collective / corporate responsibility to do so
- To uphold the strategic and operational aims of the school
- To provide moral support
- To ask appropriate and probing questions
- Is this the best thing to do?
- What do we want to do?
- What are the alternatives?
- To provide another, maybe alternative, perspective
Why do we monitor?
- To ensure that plans are being implemented – particularly our annual School Improvement Plan
- To provide evidence of success that can be celebrated and built upon
- To identify quickly where the school is not performing as well as expected
- To identify priorities for future action
- To ensure accountability for standards, improvement and maximising pupil progress
Why do we evaluate and review?
- To enable us to make judgements about results and outcomes, and to take timely, appropriate action.
Our Committees and Meetings
Full Governing Body (FGB) The Full Governing body meets twice each term to carry out formally its statutory duties and to monitor progress towards achievement of the targets contained in our School Improvement Plan (SIP).
In order to carry out our duties throughout all areas of the school effectively we have established two business Committees.
These Committees are made up of members of the FGB:
Curriculum and Standards Committee
Curriculum matters; associated policies; pupil performance and targets; Special Educational Needs (SEN); Able Child
Resources Committee
Finances, budgets, buildings and premises, personnel, health & safety and policy review
In addition statutory committees exist and convene as and when circumstances dictate.
Terms of Reference
Each of the two main Committees requires Standard Terms of Reference
This is because there are statutory items of business that must be carried out during the school year and there is a limited meeting schedule.
The Full Governing body must always ratify certain decisions and proposals made at these, other special circumstance committees and specific project groups.
If you would like to read the minutes of any previous meetings then these are available. Please speak with the School Office.
Interested in becoming a Governor of St. Johns?
Our school actively encourages the involvement and contribution of parents and the local community to our children’s learning and development and the school environment. We are very proud of our progress and success in this area. If you feel like you would like to become more involved in the strategic development, challenge, monitoring and review processes within our school then becoming a Governor is a great way to do this. Please contact our Chair of Governors through the school office.