School Grounds
At St John’s we enjoy a wide open greenfield site with an established woodland perimeter and we have created an amazing outdoor space where our whole school community can grow, explore, relax and/or enjoy.
Through a generous grant from The Big Lottery Fund several years ago we have opened up the woodland, built a sensory garden, created a storytelling circle and built raised vegetable beds.
We regularly utilise the skills and services of local volunteer groups such as Virgin Media and BTCV – British Trust for Conservation Volunteers and experts. They supported the children with willow weaving sessions, designing sculptures, shelter building and mosaic making.
Children access our extensive outdoor environment throughout the school day.
Children grow a variety of flowers, fruit and vegetables in Gardening Club which is entirely orchestrated by the ‘Head Gardeners’ and facilitated by a member of staff.
Children spend their lunchtimes exploring the woodland walk and the woodland area. The children are well supervised but at the same time have opportunities to take risks allowing them to extend and exceed their creative attributes through building dens and exploring nature at its best.
Staff strive to utilise the vast outdoor area and every opportunity is taken to teach lessons outside.
We are proud of our school environment and we were delighted to be awarded 1st place in Basingstoke in Bloom and receive a silver award in the regional South and South East in Bloom competition to name just a few.
‘Education is not something to keep in a box, even when the box is classroom shaped’ Thomas Coram research Unit